Laudare is all about poetry – in words and composition. The quartet consisting of guitar, bass, drums and cello is cutting its own path, passing by Post and Progressive Rock, Metal, Folk and Classical Music, yet staying unsettled at last.
„LAUDARE’s Requiem takes you on a visceral journey through a world of eternal struggle and consequence, yet paradoxically, it’s a place you might not want to leave. The intensity is delivered with a stark austerity, where hope seems lost, but in that loss, there’s a strange beauty that offers a glimmer of trust. The balance is delicate, but the reward is immense.“
„This is art, in one of its purist forms, and the band has genuinely put their collective talent into their craft, of that much I am sure.“
„Denn LAUDARE spannt den musikalischen Bogen von zerbrechlich wirkenden, akustischen Songteilen über progressive Arrangements, bis hin zu flirrenden, schwarzmetallisch anmutenden Gitarrenläufen (‘Sanctus’) und Geschwindigkeitseruptionen, bricht die vokale Harmonie mit großartig vorgetragenen, harten Vocals (‘Offertorium’). Ein besonderes Highlight ist mit Sicherheit die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Leipziger Uni-Chor.“